01985 845077


Please get in touch with me should you have a question that is not included below.

Q: When should I start taking my puppy to the groomer?

A: I encourage you to bring your puppy in to the salon as soon as possible after they have completed their vaccination course to desensitize them to the surroundings and equipment. This service is offered free of charge. Some breeds more than others will need regular grooming throughout their lives, therefore, the sooner they come in, the easier and kinder it is on them.

Puppies need an intensive socialisation programme within the first 16 weeks of life to make them confident, happy and well-rounded dogs. After 16 weeks of age, they might experience ‘fearful stages’ during development. If a new experience is introduced during this stage, the puppy may be fearful of it for the duration of its life.

Q: How often do I need to brush my dog?

A: Grooming your pet should start as soon as you bring your puppy home to get your dog used to it. It’s a great way to bond with your pet, to keep them comfortable and to check on their health. Regular grooming will help you notice anything untoward in the coat such as fleas, ticks and lumps/bumps etc.

Q: How often do I need to visit the groomer?

A: This is dependent on breed, and the amount of grooming performed at home, but generally most dogs would benefit from being professionally groomed every 6-16 weeks.

At Pampered Pooch, I recommend breeds such as Shih Tzu, Poodle, Poodle crosses, Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Bichon Frise, Bolognese, Pomeranians, Schnauzers and Cocker Spaniels to be professionally groomed every six weeks. These dogs either don’t shed naturally and therefore need dead hair removing, or they matt very easily.

Longer coated breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Collies and German Shepherds need regular grooming to remove dead hair. If hair is not regularly removed, it will matt and prevent the skin from breathing, which may then cause skin problems.

Q: How long does the grooming session take?

A: This very much depends on breed, coat condition, age and temperament of the dog.

This will be discussed with you on arrival but the average time is approximately 2-3 hours for small/medium sized dogs and 3-4 hours for larger breeds.

Q: Can I stay with my pet?

A: I would not normally recommend you stay with your pet as to get the full co-operation of the dog; I must have their individual attention. Most dogs behave much better without their owner's distraction.

However, I am happy to talk you through the grooming process and/or show you around the salon if you wish. Should a problem arise, you will be called immediately.

Q: Will my dog be muzzled?

A: I prefer not to use a muzzle unless absolutely essential. I feel it is preferable to build the confidence between dog and groomer.

Q: Will my dog be caged?

A: In order to comply with the Animal Welfare Act and for the safety of your pet, all dogs are caged on arrival and when awaiting collection in full view of the grooming area. Each cage is spacious and provided with bedding and fresh water.

You are welcome to bring your dog’s favourite blanket/toy if you wish. Dogs are taken into the garden after grooming for toileting and a play before being returned to the cage to await collection.

Q: What does a ‘Full Groom’ include?

  • A: Thorough groom and assessment of the skin
  • Nail trim
  • Ear clean
  • Ear pluck (breed dependent)
  • Anal glands (on request only). It is no longer advisable for anal glands to be expressed at each groom unless your dog suffers with the following condition i.e. dragging its bottom along the ground/biting at its back end
  • Shampoo (to suit skin and coat type)
  • Conditioner (breed dependent)
  • Blow dry and styled to your preference

Q: How much does the grooming service cost?

A: Prices vary depending on breed and size of dog, the grooming style required and the existing condition of the coat.

Estimates/quotes are therefore based on:

  • size/coat
  • regularity of grooming
  • cooperation of dog

You may be charged extra if:

  • the coat is matted
  • non-standard breed size/coat
  • non-cooperative
  • aggressive behaviour

Q: Can you use a prescribed shampoo that my vet has supplied?

A: Yes. I also offer mild, sensitive and medicated shampoos if an alternative is preferred.

Q: Can I bring my dog for a ‘bath only’?

A: Yes. Generally this appointment would also include a nail trim and ear clean to keep the dog in tip-top condition.

Q: Do you clip nails only?

A: Yes. Generally an appointment isn’t needed for this service but I ask you to call ahead to ensure someone will be available.

Q: My dog is aggressive towards other dogs - is that a problem?

A: No. I never let dogs come into contact with one another for safety. However, please do make me aware of this ahead of the appointment.

Q: My dog is timid/nervous and I am worried about taking him to a grooming salon?

A: Pampered Pooch is a very small grooming salon; therefore, the atmosphere is quiet and relaxed. Meeting the same groomer at each visit also helps to build the confidence of nervous dogs.

Q: How do I make an appointment?

A: Bookings can be made by telephone, e-mail, by filling in the online appointment form included on this website or via the Facebook page.

At the time of taking your booking, I will take your contact details, your dog’s age and history, any health problems and details of your registered vet.

If you make an enquiry via my online booking form, Facebook or e-mail, some suggested appointments times will be informed by return email. However, I cannot hold these appointments open indefinitely and therefore I cannot guarantee they will still be available unless you respond immediately.

I have an appointment only system and advise my regular clients to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Please respect me by giving 24 hours notice of any cancellation or requests to reschedule.

Please note, appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will incur a 50% fee.

Please note, e-mails and Facebook are checked once daily.

Q: What if I can’t make an appointment?

A: Please respect me by calling to cancel or re-schedule your appointment. I require 24 hours notice to enable me to refill the appointment. Please note, appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will incur a 50% fee.


Pampered Pooch is owned by myself, Angela House, and was established as a continuation of my love of dogs.



A selection of images of some of my recently groomed dogs.



Frequently asked questions about my dog grooming services.



Sensitive, kind and respectful handling is assured with my dog grooming services.


Contact Me

I would be delighted to hear from you with any enquiry you might have.


© 2013 Pampered Pooch. All Rights Reserved